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5-Minute Cleaning Resolutions for 2021

To Make Your Life Better

sanitize and disinfect

January is the perfect time to reset and consider what you can do to make your life better this year. We picked out some of the easiest cleaning resolutions that can make a big impact on your life⁠—in five minutes or less!

5-Minute or Less Cleaning Resolutions for 2021

  • Make your bed in the morning. In addition to making your room feel more inviting at the end of the day, making your bed in the morning gives you a feeling of success right when you wake up.
  • Use an after-shower spray. Choose a rinse-free option so that you can spray after your step out of the shower and forget about it. After-shower cleaning solutions help prevent a bigger mess when it’s time to clean your bathroom.
  • Do smaller loads of laundry more frequently. This will seem less intimidating and help you stay on track. And, did you know the larger your laundry load, the more water it takes? So your two smaller loads may not take more water than your larger ones.
  • Fold laundry load right away. Now that you have smaller loads of laundry, don’t push off folding them! Fold them right out of the dryer and deliver them to the right room.
  • Clean dishes as you cook. While the cookies are baking, wash out the mixing bowls you used.
  • Delegate chores to family members. You don’t need to be in charge of everything. Enlist some help from family members to cut down your cleaning time.
  • Clean the kitchen at the end of the day. Don’t let dirty dishes greet you in the morning. Before heading to bed, load up the dishwasher with all of the dishes from dinner and wipe down the counters. This helps make sure your dishes don’t pile up, taking more time the next day to clean your space.
  • Leave the room with an object. If items tend to get out of place in your home, pick one up every time you leave the room and put it in its right place.
  • Follow the one-minute rule. If you can complete something in one minute, don’t wait! Do it right now. This rule will help you take care of those tiny tasks that clutter your space and mind, like going through the mail or picking up the toy on the floor.
  • Schedule a service with JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care. It only takes five minutes! We help revive every area in your home, from carpets to your bathroom and siding to hardwood. When you hire JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care, you can expect transparent pricing, on-time service, and we won’t stop cleaning until it meets our high standards. Call the Veterans and Military family members today at 844-GET-JDOG.