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Post Game Carpet Cleaning

How to Stop Stains from Winning

If you’re about to entertain for the big game, you may end up with a big mess to clean up. Here are some tips for tidying as well as tackling larger areas and stains, especially post game carpet cleaning.

Post Party Cleanup

There’s a lot to prep for when having a party. In addition to planning the menu, you may also want to make sure you have enough cleaning supplies on hand for after the guests leave. Stock the cabinet with stain removers and be ready to help ensure nothing sets in. These are the areas to focus on:

  • Kitchen. Whether you’re cooking or having the party catered, this is a central location for prep, serving, and storage. Clear the countertops of clutter for more available surface space.
  • Bathroom. Make sure it’s stocked with soap, paper, and maybe a scented candle.
  • Hallway. Keep it clean by adding a washable runner to the floor. Keep it clear to make room for traffic, shoes, and coats.
  • Living Room/Den. Wherever the television is, gamers will gather. Set out coasters to help keep surfaces clean.

If you can try to limit the number of occupied rooms, you’ll have less to clean later. Depending on the size of your space, this could be easier said than done. If you plan on doing a bulk of the cleaning the following day, you at least want to search for any signs of stains on the furniture and floors. While the dishes can wait till morning, a stain doesn’t take long to set.

Post Game Carpet Cleaning

No matter what type of flooring you have, the chances of it getting damaged increases with the amount of people in your home. There are ways to help prevent this, such as washable rugs and removing shoes at the door. But if you’re going to have a party, you should also have a plan for removing stains.

When you’re cleaning up after the party, the floors may be the last on your list. However, if you notice a stain on the carpet or hardwood floor, it’s a good idea to try and spot treat it before it sets in. Once treated, you can vacuum and mop to clear the rest of the dirt and crumbs left behind that could also lead to stains if not removed promptly.

If removing the stain is a losing game, it’s time to call in reinforcements. Contact JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care to come refresh your carpets and rugs and remove any trace guests may have left behind. We tackle tough stains even on delicate fabrics using cleaners that are EPA-approved for indoor use. We can even help remove stains from upholstered furniture, shine kitchen or bathroom tile and grout, and revive your hardwood floors.

Our team of Veterans and Military family members are dedicated to serving our community with the same ethos we lived by in the Military—Respect, Integrity, and Trust. Once we’re done cleaning your home, you’ll want to invite everyone back over to celebrate! Call us today at 844-GET-JDOG for a free quote.