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6 Quick Cleaning Tips

To Make Mom Proud

Do you know what Mom really wants for Mother’s Day? A break. Take all the chores off her to-do list with these quick cleaning tips.

Quick Cleaning Tips

Mom usually gets stuck cleaning up messes all around the house. From wiping counters to vacuuming floors, it may feel like a never ending battle. But doing just a few quick clean-ups regularly can drastically cut back on buildup. Here’s how.

  1. Daily declutter. Spend a few minutes every day putting away out-of-place items. Have a specific place to stash mail, hang keys, and store shoes so everyday items are not only organized but also easy to find.
  2. Easily organize. It’s easier to keep things tidy when you set up shelves, hooks, baskets, or bins around the house to have a designated spot to put things away. Start in closets or high traffic areas that may become dumping grounds for all sorts of stuff.
  3. Delegate. Mom shouldn’t be the only one with the chores. Give everyone a regular job around the house. Switch it up every now and then to keep things fresh.
  4. Set routines. Whether it’s making the bed in the morning, wiping the counter down after breakfast, or sweeping on Sunday, schedule a task at the same time to help establish consistency.
  5. Set a timer. Cleaning may already feel like a challenge, so why not make it fun. See how much you can get done in 5, 10, 20 minutes. You may surprise yourself!
  6. Reward yourself. Making a to-do list may seem like a monumental task once you see all the items pile up. But think of how rewarding it will be once you start checking items off! Celebrate your hard work with a break or special treat.

Maybe after you make it through the list, you can appreciate how much Mom may already be doing around the house. Show her some extra love this Mother’s Day and every time you check another item off your list.

Let JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care Help Cross off Major Items

Why not give everyone a break by calling in the professionals. JDog offers a number of indoor and outdoor cleaning services to help tackle some of the toughest chores on your list. Call 844-GET-JDOG today to schedule and give Mom the clean space to relax without all the work.