How to Clean Your Mattress to Help Prevent Bed Bugs
And Other Pest Control Solutions

Keeping the bedroom clean is an important task throughout the year, but especially during the summer. This season is when more pests come out to play and may end up looking to you for food. Learn how proper mattress cleaning can help prevent bed bugs and other ways you can ensure a good night’s sleep doesn’t become an infested nightmare.
Preventing Bed Bug Infestations
Keeping bed bugs out of your home is easier than trying to deal with an infestation. Follow these practices while shopping for furniture and traveling to help prevent pests in the first place.
- Only buy secondhand mattresses or furniture from a trusted source and always inspect for bugs—such as small reddish-brown stains, shed skins, or live insects—before bringing them into your home.
- When traveling, inspect mattresses and furniture for signs of bed bugs. Keep luggage on racks off the floor. Once home, unpack clothes straight into the washer and vacuum the suitcase once it’s empty.
- Regularly inspect your mattresses and furniture for signs of bugs, especially before and after welcoming guests. Early detection could mean the difference between fumigating one room or your entire house.
Even though they’re called bed bugs, they’re known to travel to other rooms of your home to find more food. So while your cleaning efforts may start in the bedroom, don’t skip the rest of the house.
Ongoing Mattress Maintenance
There are some things you can do to help keep your mattress and bedroom clean and pest-free.
- Regular Vacuuming. Use a hose attachment to get in between seams, crevices, and folds of both side of your mattress, headboard, box spring, and furniture around your bed.
- Protect the Mattress. Use a bed bug-proof mattress encasement.
- Cleaning Linens. Wash all sheets, blankets, pillowcases, and mattress covers in hot water and dry them on the highest heat setting.
- Steam Cleaning. For a deeper clean focusing on seams, crevices, and other upholstered furniture.
- Reduce Clutter. Don’t give bed bugs more places to hide.
Periodically inspect your mattress and surrounding areas for signs of bed bugs. If you suspect an infestation, contact a professional pest control service. They can provide specialized heat and insecticide treatments to eradicate bed bugs.
Call JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care for Mattress Cleaning to Prevent Bed Bugs
To help ensure your bed is clean, contact JDog for a deep mattress cleaning. From vacuuming to steaming, we cover all the seams and crevices for a thorough job. Whether it’s one bed or multiple in a rental, JDog’s team specializes in residential and commercial cleaning to give you peace of mind in your home or business.