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5 Reasons to Keep Car Upholstery Clean

For Maintenance & Peace of Mind

Between summer road trips and fall tailgates, your car’s upholstery deserves a refresh. No matter the type of interior, spills, sand, dirt, and debris takes a toll on seats and floor. Here are several reasons why cleaning car upholstery should be at the top of your seasonal to-do list. It’s more than just about looks.

Why Cleaning Car Upholstery is Important

Over the course of a day, your car experiences wear and tear on the inside and out. From short drives for school drop off to long journeys to watch the leaves change, it only takes a second for a spill to stain a seat or for mud to splatter the floor. It could be several more days to realize a spill has occurred or that dirt has worked its way into the upholstery fibers and crevices.

While we may be busy tackling everyday tasks, it’s important to take some time to address your car’s cleanliness. Here’s why:

  1. Eliminate bacteria and odors. Especially now that kids are back in school, you don’t want to let virus-causing bacteria linger on doors, belts, and seats. Cleaning the upholstery also helps lift odors that can cause an unpleasant travel experience.
  2. Remove stains. Whether a spill has set or not, steam cleaning can help erase any trace of snacks. Be sure to spot test the upholstery to make sure steam won’t harm the material.
  3. Improve focus. Driving in a clean and organized car reduces the amount of distractions. You want to focus on the road, not a spot on the seat or the army of ants that have found a crumb trail.
  4. Prevent excess wear. Over time, the buildup of dirt and dust can prematurely age and damage the upholstery.
  5. Preserve value. The cleaner the car, the more attractive it will be when you try to trade it in or determine resale value.

While the change of seasons can be a busy time—especially when you’re transitioning from vacation mode to back-to-school—it’s also a great time to adapt a cleaning routine. Add car maintenance to the list to help keep it looking its best and running smoothly.

Even better, you don’t have to do it all yourself. If your seasonal to-do list is already packed, contact JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care to help clean your car’s upholstery. Our team is ready to take on a number of carpet cleaning and floor care tasks to make your life easier and better maintained.