5 Ways to Help Eliminate Back-to-School Bacteria
For Less Sick Days

Now that the kids are back in school, bacteria is back in transit. If you notice your little ones coming home with coughs and sniffles along with their homework, it’s time to arm them—and your home—with ways to help eliminate back-to-school bacteria.
Tips for a Healthier School Year
Kids may learn all about sharing in school, but one thing they don’t want to share is germs. However, back-to-school season is often a time when there’s an increase in viruses. There are ways to help prevent spreading germs while still promoting fun social activity.
- Proper hand washing. It’s one of the most effective ways to prevent spreading germs. It’s even more effective when done properly. Kids should wash with soap and water for 20 seconds after touching germy surfaces—such as in the bathroom, during shared art projects, or after handling trash or blowing their nose. Hands should also be washed before eating. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are an easy way to cleanse when no water is available.
- Cover sneezes or coughs. It’s best to shield surfaces and others from germs by covering your mouth with the crook of your elbow.
- Keep some things to yourself. While it’s important to teach sharing toys and other items, more personal items—especially ones that touch your mouth or ears—should not be passed around.
- Improve air quality. Ventilation is important in guarding against airborne viruses and overall health. Certain HVAC systems contain filters for capturing germs and allergens. Although, simply opening windows, using fans, and investing in portable air cleaners also helps.
- Sanitize surfaces. While you can’t always control how often schools sanitize their surfaces, you can work on the high-touch areas in and around your home. Wipe down desks, countertops, doorknobs, keyboards, backpacks, and other devices your kids touch on a daily basis.
It may seem inevitable that kids will get sick at some point during the school year. But there are still ways you can help prevent a school year full of sick days. However, if you feel it’s a never-ending battle, help is one call away.
Call JDog to Help Eliminate Back-to-School Bacteria
Back-to-school time is busy for everyone. School administrators, teachers, students, and parents all have to-do lists teeming with activity. Let JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care take sanitizing surfaces off the list. We provide commercial and residential disinfecting services that are effective against a broad range of bacteria and viruses. Our water-based solution can be applied to hard surfaces, carpeting, and upholstery—almost any surface in your school, office, or home. Call 844-GET-JDOG to schedule a cleaning and help make this school year the healthiest yet.